Premium Exterior Concrete Clear Sealer 30% Solids HS 300


SureCrete’s HS 300™ Series is a premium, high-performance, single-component, 30% acrylic solids sealer designed for SureCrete overlays or other cement-based products like a clear stamped concrete sealer.

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Product Information


SureCrete’s HS 300LV™ Series is a premium, high-performance, single-component, 30% acrylic solids, low VOC (400 g/l), sealer designed for SureCrete overlays or other cement-based products like a clear stamped concrete sealer. As with most acrylics, it is vapor permeable and readily applies outside. However, HS 300LV™ is specially formulated for extreme climates where a low VOC sealer is required. Its nano-sealer technology deeply penetrates and reacts internally with cement, slowing moisture migration and efflorescence and intensifying bond capacity. Even in warmer climates HS 300’s slower evaporating solvents will not show a cotton candy effect before the applicator can finish a tight, smooth surface. A single coat application will provide a UV shield sealers stamped, enhance the beauty, and protect the surface of driveways, garage floors, patios, walkways, pool decks, and stucco.

A large portion of northern areas deal with freeze and thaw cycles that can make the utilization of a typical protective exterior concrete acrylic sealer very problematic views. Over time and multiple freeze/thaw cycles, most acrylic sealer will begin to delaminate and detatch from the original substrate (typically an overlay with 30% solids acrylic coatings) and sometimes take chunks of the original concrete with it. For this reason, many have chosen to for go the application of an acrylic sealer altogether in these environments. HS 300LV™ makes it possible to not only apply a sealer safely without worrying about it becoming weak and de-laminating over time and multiple freeze and thaw cycles, but also to do so while adhering to strict VOC laws requiring solvent acrylic concrete sealers to vaporize less ecologically hazardous solvents into the air. You can be confident whether you are a homeowner looking to seal your brand new patio concrete overlay or an applicator sealing thousands of square feet of commercial pool decks, that this sealer will meet all your area’s legal requirements and give you a well protected, long lasting surface for years to come. Ask a concrete contractor for details and stamped costs for sealer per square foot.

HS 300 was made specifically in response to a growing need in climates that deal with very harsh and rapid freeze and thaw cycles. This premium acrylic sealer product penetrates into the surface of your concrete overlay and strengthens it by bonding with the cream layer of the concrete, making the entire slab much more durable and able to deal with the rapid moisture ingress and egress. While most homeowners and/or contractors have nearly written off acrylic sealers as protective coatings for their concrete overlay projects in freezing climates, anyone who tries our HS 300™ product will think twice about leaving their beautiful cementitious overlays unprotected.

Exterior Clear Stamped Concrete Sealer HS 300™ Series Typical Applications:
Cold Weather, Low VOC Broom Finish Overlays
Low VOC Sprayed Texture Coatings in Freeze/Thaw Climates
Cold Weather Eco-Friendly Stamped Overlay Floors
Slop-Trowel Green Exterior Textures in Freeze/Thaw Climates
Stamped Concrete Patios
Color Stamped Cement Concrete Textures
Stones and Other Rock Material
stamped concrete pattern
stamped patterned cement
Cold Weather Pool Decks in the Low VOC States (LV)
Eco-Friendly Exterior Patio Overlays in Freeze/Thaw Climates
Green Project, Cold Weather Driveways, and Sidewalks
Pattern Concrete Patios
Low-Cost Stamping Patios
Stamped Concrete Cost
Concrete Patterned Patios
Pattern stamped concrete
Clear Sealer Stamped Concrete

How Do You Apply SureCrete’s Premium Exterior Clear Overlay Concrete Sealer Silane HS 300 Series?
Any surface that is about to be sealed needs to be completely cured, clean and free of all contaminants, and fully profiled and etched.
Make sure that temperatures will remain between 50 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit and there will be no precipitation in the applied areas for a 24 hour period following application.
HS 300™ Premium Acrylic Sealer can be applied by roller, airless sprayer or pump-up sprayer. Whatever your application technique, make sure to apply thin, even coats over your surface.
Two coats are typically suggested with any exterior project receiving an acrylic sealer, with the second coat being applied as soon as the first coat is able to be walked on, and is applied in the same manner as the first coat.

Frequently Asked Questions About Exterior Clear Stamped Concrete Sealer HS 300 Series by SureCrete:

Question: Can I use just one coat of HS 300Clear Overlay Concrete Sealer?
Answer: Yes, however, it is not suggested. For the best results, we highly recommend using two thinly applied coats. That being said, HS 200 Series products have been known to function better than comparable sealers in situations where a single-coat exterior acrylic sealer is required.

Question: Will HS 300 Series Clear Overlay Concrete Sealer fill small holes?
Answer: No, clear acrylic concrete sealer products were not designed to fill small holes or voids. Caution should be given to puddling with HS 300 Series, as it is intended to be crystal clear when the product is 8-9 mils wet applied.

Question: Will HS 300 survive the freeze/thaw cycles in my area?
Answer: Yes. If there was ever an exterior acrylic concrete sealer that could maintain proper adhesion in cold weather environments, the HS Sealers line would be the one to do it!

Can I use another, lower solids content sealer over top of HS 300?
Answer: Yes, once the first coat of HS 300 has been applied and has penetrated the surface, a lower solids acrylic sealer product such as HS 200™ can be applied to keep the millage buildup of sealer to a minimum.

Specifications and Properties of HS 300LV
Coverage Approx. 200-240 square foot per gallon, per coat (varies widely based
on substrate porosity and application methods)
VOC Rating less than 400 g/L
Solids Content 30%
Shelf Life 2 years in original unopened container
for Recoat 24 hours
Light Duty Use 24 hours
Heavy Traffic Ready 72 hours
Appearance (cured) Clear Gloss
Appearance (wet) Clear
Water Resistance
Excellent, beads water
Mechanical Stability Excellent
Light Stability
Diluent Hydrocarbons
Odor Solvent
Application Temperature 50
– 90 degrees Fahrenheit

Test Data for HS 300LV™
Blush 4 hr dry / 18 hr Immersion: No Blush
Adhesion Dry Concrete:
Excellent, Wet Concrete: Excellent
QUV Accelerated Weather Testing G-53: No
blistering, No yellowing @ 250 hours
Abrasion Resistance 12.5 grams loss
Block Resistance D-4969: Excellent
Heat Stability @ 120 degrees Fahrenheit
D-1849: Excellent
Film Formation @ 40 degrees Fahrenheit Passed
Absorption 2.4 grams per cubic meter
Pencil Hardness D-3363: HB-H
Hot Tire
Pick-Up Passed (Under extreme circumstances delaminating could occur. All tire

(Under extreme circumstances delaminating could occur. All tire
manufacturers were not tested. Chemicals used in tire manufacturing may be
detrimental to all sealers from vehicular parking.)

Specifications and Properties of HS 300™:
Coverage Approx 200-240 square foot per gallon, per coat (varies widely based on substrate porosity and application methods)
VOC Rating less than 600 g/L
Solids Content 30%
Shelf Life 2 years in original unopened container
Ready for recoat 24 hours
Light Duty Use 24 hours
Heavy Traffic Ready 72 hours
Appearance (cured) Clear Gloss
Appearance (wet) Clear
Water Resistance Excellent, beads water
Mechanical Stability Excellent
Light Stability Excellent
Diluent Hydrocarbons
Odor Solvent
Application Temperature 50 – 90 degrees Fahrenheit
Test Data for HS 300™
Blush 4 hr dry / 18 hr Immersion: No Blush
Adhesion Dry Concrete: Excellent, Wet Concrete: Excellent
QUV Accelerated Weather Testing G-53: No blistering, No yellowing @ 250 hours
Abrasion Resistance 12.5 grams loss
Block Resistance D-4969: Excellent
Heat Stability @ 120 degrees Fahrenheit D-1849: Excellent
Film Formation @ 40 degrees Fahrenheit Passed
Water Absorption 2.4 grams per cubic meter
Pencil Hardness D-3363: HB-H
Hot Tire Pick-Up Passed (Under extreme circumstances delaminating could occur. All tire manufacturers were not tested. Chemicals used in tire manufacturing may be detrimental to all sealers from vehicular parking.)

Chemical Resistance for HS 300™ (Testing ASTM D-1308)
Transmission Fluid Resistant
Gasoline Remove Immediately
Formula 409 Resistant
Motor Oil Resistant
Brake Fluid Remove Immediately

Additional information


5 Gallon, 55 Gallon

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