CEMchroma color Integral Pigment Color Pak


CEMchromacolor™ integrally colors a 50LB bag of CEMstamp™, CEMspray™, CEMmicromix™, CEMrenew™ overlay products.

Creates a fully pigmented mix everytime!

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CEMchromacolor™ Integral Pigment Color Pak

CEMchromacolor™ integrally colors a 50LB bag of CEMstamp™, CEMspray™, CEMmicromix™, CEMrenew™ overlay products.

Always mix CEMchroma with water and mixture vigorously first then add to 50 LBS. of white CEMoverlay(s) and mechanically blend for 5 minutes to achieve proper color.

Creates a fully pigmented mix everytime!

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Charcoal, Dark Walnut, Limestone, Slate, Sun Buff, Terra Cotta, Adobe Buff, Arabian Sand, Athens Clay, Canyon Clay, French Grey, Maple Wood, Medium Grey, Platinum Grey, Rio Red, Sand Taupe

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